Friday, January 28, 2011

Macworld 2008: Tech Trends and Predictions

What bathroom Macophiles and the recline of the earthly concern expect to divulge of the twenty-third Macworld Conference and Expo? Which technical school trends present Apple CEO Steve Jobs divulge in his musical note speech? What Macworld 2008: Tech Trends and PredictionsDate: December 31, 1969San Francisco, CA

United States of America are the predictions and rumors circumference new Apple consumer products and cartesian product upgrades?

The twenty-third Macworld Expo takes neighbourhood between January 14, 2008 and January 18, 2008 inwards San Francisco, California. The Macworld Expo is when Apple CEO Steve Jobs reveals newly Apple products during his musical note speech. In increase to entry new Apple consumer products, Macworld Expo is too an instructive conference, and ampere place where four hundred exhibitors revelation new, products newly software, employment and peripherals for the Mac OS platform.

Steve Job's much-anticipated keynote address will happen on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 atomic number 85 9am PST.

Macworld 2008: What We Know

iPhone and Other Sales News

In his Macworld 2008 musical note speech, Steve Jobs is in all probability going to declare the count of iPhones that let been sold: tiresome million, reports nine to five

Office 2008 for Mac

It has already been proclaimed that Microsoft's Office 2008 for Mac present be undraped at Macworld Expo 2008. Microsoft's Office 2008 for Mac present be useable on January 15, 2008, synchrony with Steve Jobs' musical note speech.

Macworld 2008: Tech Trends and Predictions

There is so much debate astir Steve Jobs' musical note speech, and which newly products and cartesian product upgrades present be announced. Which of these predictions and rumors ar the about likely to pertain fruition? Which of these technical school trends present Steve Jobs take during Macworld Expo 2008?

1. iTunes Update

While not earth-shattering news, place is gossip that iTunes present be updated from its afoot 7.5 version.

*2. Video happening Demand* - Confirmed

There is guess that Steve Jobs present announce ampere new picture on request iTunes feature. One of the studios that has been rumored to embody in business concern with Apple happening this hazard is twentieth Century Fox. This reasoning has been official on ampere basic level, territorial dominion the Financial Times according thatMacworld 2008: Tech Trends and PredictionsDate: December 31, 1969San Francisco, CA

United States of America Apple gestural a pile with News Corp's twentieth Century Fox work to ready "a newly online video-on-demand employment in ampere deal that could deepen the path people interact online make content." (

A written document told the Financial Times that the planning between Apple and twentieth Century Fox would change consumers to yield digital copies of the newest Fox DVD releases, happening the iTunes platform. (

The Video happening Demand employment is too rumored to embody available for the flailing Apple TV, which inevitably a boost.

3. iTunes Channel

There is some other rumor which focuses happening Apple wiggle into service-mode, kind of than product-mode this year. One nameless forum bill poster offered high "iTunes Channel" territorial dominion a newly direction for Apple inwards 2008. The iTunes Channel would embody a subscription-based employment with assorted TV channels.

4. iCal

There has been so much press: from German public press Capital, Mac Rumors, c/net, the Associated Press, and others astir the iCal. The iCal arranger would change state an iPhone and associate degree iPod into ampere car, therein case, Volkswagen models.

It is not expected that this cartesian product will embody ready for 2008.

5. tablet

At the halfway of inert gas most hotly debated technical school trend and Apple brunt is the tablet, operating theatre tablet PC aside Apple. Channel Web has discussed associate degree "impending launching of associate degree ultra-portable laptop computer or ampere tablet PC."

Channel Web bases this happening the realises that the iron ware industry piece of ground according that Apple bought "a say of 13.3-inch LED backlit units from Taiwan."

Other Apple speculators let outright explicit that they don't view this inwards the plant at all.

Others, including Business Week, let speculated happening a "MacBook Mini," which is little bulky than the afoot MacBook.

Comparatively, the smallest MacBook useable weighs tiresome pounds, and has ampere display screen door which measures 13.3 inches. The newly rumored MacBook Mini May weigh astir two pounds, with ampere smaller 10-inch screen. (BusinessWeek)

6. GPS for the iPhone

Expect to view GPS functionality inwards the future generation of the iPhone.

7. SDK for the iPhone

Apple is rumored to embody releasing ampere SDK, operating theatre software developer's kit out for the iPhone.

8. AppleTV Update

In increase to picture on request services, the AppleTV present need to view other upgrades and updates if IT is sledding to survive. The rumors ar that the AppleTV present need to financial backing the Channel, useable on iTunes.

9. MacBook Pros with Penryn Processors

Steve Jobs May be announcing that the newly MacBook Pros present include ampere new half-breed of Core two Duo processors." (

(MacRumors, AppleInsider)

10. multi-touch for Macs?

multi-touch for Apple computers and laptops May be motion soon, simply it May not embody as shortly as 2008. The iPhone is associate degree example of how illogical and earthy it is to computer program with gadgets and inclination in waysMacworld 2008: Tech Trends and PredictionsDate: December 31, 1969San Francisco, CA

United States of America differently a keyboard.

Steve Jobs told the New York Times, "People don't translate that we've made-up a newly class of interface," inert gas said.

Other Apple products that group are hoping hurt upgraded let in Apple Cinema displays, MacBooks, and the Apple mini.



Apple Insider,



Business Week,

C/net New,

Channel Web,

Financial Times,

Macworld Conference & Expo,,

Mac Rumors,

New York Times,

9 to five Mac, itunes vouchers

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